590 research outputs found

    Uniaxial-stress induced phase transitions in [001]c-poled 0.955Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.045PbTiO3

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    First-order, rhombohedral to orthorhombic, stress-induced phase transitions have been evidenced by bulk charge-stress measurements and X-ray diffraction derived lattice strain measurements in [001]c-poled PZN-4.5PT. The transitions are induced by uniaxial, compressive loads applied either along or perpendicular to the poling direction. In each case, they occur via rotation of the polar vector in the Cm monoclinic plane and the induced lattice strain is hysteretic yet reversible. Although no depoling is observed in the transverse mode, net depolarization is observed under longitudinal stress which is important for the use of [001]c-poled PZN-PT and PMN-PT single crystals in Tonpilz-type underwater projectors.Comment: To be published in Applied Physics Letters, 16 pages, 3 figure

    Advancing splatter gun technology for rangeland weeds

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    To determine whether more rangeland weeds could be susceptible to low-volume highconcentration herbicide applications (e.g., splatter guns), trials were initiated on gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus), rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora), prickly acacia (Vachellia nilotica), and Chinee apple (Ziziphus mauritiana). For gamba grass, a rate response trial (0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45 and 54 g a.i./L of mixture) of glyphosate has shown that 100% mortality can be achieved at rates ≥ 36 g a.i./L of mixture. A rubber vine trial is comparing the effect of timing of applications (between December and May) of two herbicides. Six months after treatment (MAT), Grazon™ Extra (triclopyr/picloram/aminopyralid) recorded the highest (i.e. December application) but most variable efficacy (0-80%) compared to 40-70% for Brush-off® (metsulfuron-methyl). The optimum way to spray plants using Hotshot™ (aminopyralid/fluroxypyr) is being investigated in a prickly acacia trial. Preliminary results, six MAT suggest that more severe damage occurs if the amount applied is calculated on the basis of the whole surface area of plants (i.e. both sides), but spraying from one side appears to be sufficient. For Chinee apple, a screening trial of five herbicides and two rates is showing that Brush-off® (metsulfuron-methyl) and Stinger™ (aminopyralid/metsulfuron-methyl) are the best performing herbicides, but only on smaller plants (< 2 m high) and at the highest applied rates 12 MAT. While promising, the variability in results indicates that many factors may affect efficacy, including the health, size and density of plants, herbicide choice and mixture/application rate, presence/absence of biological control agents and climatic conditions

    Increased options for controlling mikania vine (Mikania micrantha) with foliar herbicides

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    Mikania micrantha Kunth (mikania vine) is a highly invasive tropical weed that was first discovered in Australia in 1997, and has been the target of a nationally cost-shared weed eradication program since 2003. Field crews have been effectively treating the weed with herbicide solutions containing 1 g a.i. L−1 of fluroxypyr. During the eradication program there have been limited opportunities to test alternative foliar herbicides or rates. A newly discovered infestation provided sufficient immature vines to compare the effectiveness of eight herbicide treatments

    Increased options for controlling mikania vine (Mikania micrantha) with foliar herbicides

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    Mikania micrantha Kunth (mikania vine) is a highly invasive tropical weed that was first discovered in Australia in 1997, and has been the target of a nationally cost-shared weed eradication program since 2003. Field crews have been effectively treating the weed with herbicide solutions containing 1 g a.i. L−1 of fluroxypyr. During the eradication program there have been limited opportunities to test alternative foliar herbicides or rates. A newly discovered infestation provided sufficient immature vines to compare the effectiveness of eight herbicide treatments

    Piezoelectric anisotropy: Enhanced piezoelectric response along nonpolar directions in perovskite crystals

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    This paper discusses the mechanisms that can contribute to the enhanced longitudinal piezoelectric effect along nonpolar directions in perovskite crystals, such as BaTiO3, PbTiO3, KNbO3, Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 and Pb(Zn1/2Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3. Piezoelectric anisotropy is discussed in relation to temperature induced phase transitions, compositional variation in solid solutions with morphotropic phase boundaries, applied electric fields, the domain wall structure and domain wall displacemen

    Landau thermodynamic potential for BaTiO_3

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    In the paper, the description of the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of BaTiO_3 single crystals using Landau thermodynamic potential is addressed. Our results suggest that when using the sixth-power free energy expansion of the thermodynamic potential, remarkably different values of the fourth-power coefficient, \beta (the coefficient of P^4_i terms), are required to adequately reproduce the nonlinear dielectric behavior of the paraelectric phase and the electric field induced ferroelectric phase, respectively. In contrast, the eighth-power expansion with a common set of coefficients enables a good description for both phases at the same time. These features, together with the data available in literature, strongly attest to the necessity of the eighth-power terms in Landau thermodynamic potential of BaTiO_3. In addition, the fourth-power coefficients, \beta and \xi (the coefficient of P^2_i P^2_j terms), were evaluated from the nonlinear dielectric responses along [001], [011], and [111] orientations in the paraelectric phase. Appreciable temperature dependence was evidenced for both coefficients above T_C. Further analysis on the linear dielectric response of the single domain crystal in the tetragonal phase demonstrated that temperature dependent anharmonic coefficients are also necessary for an adequate description of the dielectric behavior in the ferroelectric phase. As a consequence, an eighth-power thermodynamic potential, with some of the anharmonic coefficients being temperature dependent, was proposed and compared with the existing potentials. In general, the potential proposed in this work exhibits a higher quality in reproducing the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of this prototypic ferroelectric substance.Comment: 7 figures, 5 table

    Influence of texture on the switching behavior of Pb(Zr0.70Ti0.30)O3 sol-gel derived thin films

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    Rhombohedral Pb(Zr0.70Ti0.30)O3 thin films of four different well-defined textures, namely, (100), (111), bimodal (110)/(111), and (100)/(111), were prepared by a sol-gel method. The films were characterized in terms of grain size, presence of second phases, surface roughness, columnarity of grains, and other microstructural features. The dielectric, ferroelectric, and fatigue properties were investigated, with emphasis on the hysteresis switching characteristics. Results are discussed from the reference point of the allowable spontaneous polarization directions available for the different textures. The values of coercive field, remanent and saturation polarization, and slope of the loop at the coercive field, at saturating fields can be qualitatively explained based on the texture, independent of microstructural differences. The occurrence of surface pyrochlore, however, is observed to affect the functionality of the saturation curves, particularly for the samples of bimodal texture. Shearing of the hysteresis curves of the bimodal films is also attributed to surface microstructural features. The occurrence of nonswitching 71° or 109° domains in the (111) and (110)/(111) textured films is hypothesized based on a comparison with the data from the (100) textured film. Corrected saturation polarization values agree with the spontaneous polarization values of rhombohedral PZT single crystals and published calculated values for rhombohedral PZT ceramics. The fatigue characteristics show increases in the switching component of polarization in the range 103−107 bipolar cycles, particularly for the (111) textured sample. Onset of fatigue is observed for all samples between 107 and 108 switching cycle

    Stevia ovata - not so sweet

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    Processing and properties of ferroelectric relaxor lead scandium tantalate Pb(Sc1/2Ta1/2)O3 thin films

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    Thin films of Pb(Sc1/2Ta1/2)O3 (PST) were fabricated using an optimized chemical solution deposition procedure involving the de-hydration of scandium acetate and the addition of up to 30% excess lead in solution. The choice of substrate was found to impact the thermal induced stress in the films as confirmed by wafer bending and in-plane grazing angle x-ray diffraction measurements. The presence of either a compressive or a tensile in-plane stress led to a reduction in the temperature of the dielectric maximum, whereas the value of the dielectric maximum remained relatively unchanged; its value reduced by an order of magnitude compared with ceramic samples. It is concluded that mechanical stress alone is not the sole factor in the reduction of PST thin film permittivity. Microstructural features resulting from processing induced defects or an incomplete transformation to the relaxor state may be responsible for this commonly observed phenomeno
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